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"No! Ancient Atlanta was more than just a Delta hub. It was a vibrant metropolis, the equal of Paris or New York!"
"That's right, honey! Whatever you say."

Umbriel was a mermaid who appeared in The Deep South as one of the mermaids living in the lost city of Atlanta. She has long blonde hair. She had an affair with Fry, until Fry learned how Mermaid Sex worked, then he ditched her for the surface.


The name "Umbriel" comes from one of the five moons of Uranus, discovered at the same time as another moon, "Ariel." Both are named for spirits from literature (Pope's The Rape of the Lock and Shakespeare'sThe Tempest, respectively), but the use of the name here parallels the name of the main character from the Disney classic "The Little Mermaid."

