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"You can see how I lived before I met you"
"You lived before you met me?!"
"Yeah, lots of people did."
Fry and Bender[source]

"Jurassic Bark" is episode seven in Season 4 of Futurama, airing on November 7, 2002. It was nominated for an Emmy Award, but lost to The Simpsons.


Bender and Fry visit the The Museum of Natural History exhibit of a 20th century pizza parlor. Fry finds out that it is actually Panucci's Pizza, the old pizza parlor where Fry used to work. Within the exhibit, Fry finds his old dog, Seymour, fossilized and on display in the exhibit. After a lengthy protest, the museum gives Fry the fossilized dog. Fry starts to treat Seymour like an actual dog and Bender grows jealous of Fry's nonstop devotion to Seymour. At Planet Express, Professor Farnsworth reveals that he can clone a version of Seymour that Fry knew and loved. Just before Seymour's cloning process is completed, in a jealous rage Bender throws Seymour's fossilized body into the lava pit in the basement. Farnsworth reveals that because Seymour was made of dolomite, he might survive the hot lava. Bender, feeling remorseful, and being 40% dolomite, decides to go after the dolomite dog. After a long while, Bender resurfaces with Seymour intact. While cloning Seymour the second time, Farnsworth reveals that Seymour was 15 years old when he died, leading Fry to think that Seymour must have lived a full life after he was frozen. Fry destroys the machine and leaves Seymour fossilized.

Throughout the episode, flashbacks are shown revealing how Fry and Seymour met, how they acted together and how Seymour lived after Fry was frozen. The final scene shows a slow montage of passing years outside Panucci's where Seymour waits continuously for Fry to return. Finally, Seymour lies down, closes his eyes, and goes to sleep. He never wakes up.
