Futurama Wiki
Futurama Wiki

With the new eyePhone, you can watch, listen, ignore your friends, stalk your ex, download porno on a crowded bus, even check your email while being hit by a train, all with the new eyePhone. -The advert

The eyephone is an electronic device that's inserted into the eye (the earpiece goes into the ear). It's sold exclusively by MomCorp. Among other things, it can be used to send and receive Twits, record videos, and publish videos on the internet. It even functions as a phone. The eyePhone records everything the user sees and hears.

Mom uses the information gathered from the Twits to send personalized ads and – once somebody has gathered one million followers – to send through it a virus, which will control brains of followers. The virus, known as the TwitWorm, made all infected people buy the new eyePhone 2.0


  • The eyePhone is a parody of Apple's iPhone.
  • Twitcher is a parody of Twitter.
  • The activity of Carol to use information from Twits to send personalized advertisements is similar to how Facebook gathers personal information of users to sell to ad companies, so they can create ad that categorizes to a specific group of market segment in maximizing ad effectiveness.


